Thursday, January 10, 2008

Meet Logan Henderson

Logan Henderson is the young cowboy from Nebraska on this radio call. He's wise beyond his years.

CBN did a follow-up story on him as well.


  1. God bless Logan and keep him simple and humble in spite of all the publicity.

    Pastor G. Lush

  2. We can sure learn alot for the young!
    Thank you Logan for calling!

  3. I can simpathise with Logan, I lost my dog whom I had for 10 years and I asked God why? and I got a response basically saying it was his time.

    I have heard God talk to me plain as day I said " God, I thank you for letting me live one more day even tho I am a sinner" God said " Your Welcome Kenny" and since that night I have taken the word love into a whole new perspective.

  4. For the past few day's my dad came home everyday from work talking about this kid Logan. My dad told me that I had to look this little boy on my computer. Well it took my until today, when my dad asked me again. So as you can see I did. I'm so great full that I did. I'm 29 and I'm setting here crying over Logan's story! Logan is a special little boy, and this story will touch many like it did me!! Thank you so much Logan you made me reopen my eye's!

  5. Logan's story is quite amazing, which is a reflection of how amazing God is. I'm so floored at how God speaks to us each in unique, individual ways.

  6. Logan was humble and therefore teachable. I pray he will always be humble so he can listen for that still small voice of comfort.

  7. Well, Logan, as I sit here in complete awe of your experience, I am in complete awe of you. I know you're going to be o.k., because you did run to Him. But I also want you to know that you are every bit as special as the gifts God wanted you to remember. You're so unbelievably brave, compassionate and extraordinary.

    I will pray for you and thank you so very much for sharing your conversation with Him in such an amazing way. You are a beautiful soul.

  8. Wow, this is wonderful....God is so beautiful and his love is shown right through this little child!!!! What a great and powerful way to bring the truth to light...through the simplistic and sweet spirit of a little boy. Let God's children enjoy and embace our salvation today and always. Deanna/Sacramento CA

  9. I have probably played that video 15-20 times and sent it to everyone I know and I cry every time I hear the pain in Logan’s voice. What a sweet spirit you have Logan. God has used your love for that little calf that you probably nurtured and cared for intimately to touch everyone that came in contact with it. Thank you for sharing it with us. You know, there is always someone waiting to hear of God's love through the testimony of someone who has experienced it. Carlos in Miami, Fl

  10. this is soo touching

  11. Dear Logan.... What a wonderful young man you are! you have a beautiful and kind heart.. and thank you for sharing the love you got from God.. with us.. he knows how special your calf was and is... God wanted you to talk to all of us.. so he chose you to let us know about the love you have in your heart and God's message... it will help so many people who have lost someone or a special pet... Bless you and Be Happy!

  12. Magali Vrede - from South AfricaApril 1, 2009 at 5:17 AM

    Dearest Longan, I don't know you but it was so nice to hear your voice and to see that God is always with us. I love you son, God may bless you and hold you so much in his arms. I have a son and I hope he can be just like you! You are a wonderful Man!

  13. Hi young man, just want to say great job for obeying the prompting on your heart and sending this message into the world. Stay humble and don’t get blog down by what people say. Keep your eyes on Jesus en keep listening.
    Peace and be blessed. Cheers Franz (x-South African living in New Zealand)

  14. Logan is heaven sent... Imagine it takes a kid like Logan, whom I do not know to make me realize how GOD loves us... Im sorry LORD for all my sins.... Thank you for a kid like Logan... God Bless us all

  15. Logan, you're story has touched me. I thank The Lord that you are here on this earth, for you have really opened my eyes.

  16. Oi Logan,

    Hoje é domingo de páscoa e, muito embora seja um dia em que as famílias se reúnem, eu estou só. E estou assim por uma questão de desentendimento familiar, onde cada um procura estar somente olhando o seu lado pessoal, as suas razões, a sua maneira de ver as coisas, muita das vezes de forma distorcida.

    O Amor, que seria fundamental existir nas relações, inexiste quando num conflito, cada um procura ter apenas a sua ótica em ação.

    Hoje, quando sinto que, a exemplo do fim levado por seu bezerro, um período de vida em comum parece estar chegando ao seu fim, sinto a tristeza invadir meu peito.

    Foi com muita emoção que vi um vídeo em que você conta sua conversa com Deus. Fiquei comovido com toda sua história e com a sua postura frente ao problema que passou. Deus certamente também se comoveu e a conversa contigo foi sua resposta e um carinho em seu coração.

    Essa sua matéria me inspira a continuar meu processo interno de conversas com o nosso Deus.

    Desejo que esse nosso Deus esteja sempre contigo e que ele possa se utilizar de sua alma bondosa como uma ferramenta para nos falar muito mais coisas importantes ao longo desses dias tão conturbados por que passamos em nosso querido e belo Planeta.

    Rio de Janeiro / Brasil

  17. Dear Logan, thank you for such a heartfelt sharing... Through you, I see God's love for us is neverending. Praise God!

  18. Simplicity and beauty in who you are and what u said from the heart, look out for this kid, an open caring heart goes all the way from here to the moon - and back. C.Wokoma jnr, Nigeria

  19. wow im his age now.....its just amazing, someone like my age can speak to the workd and make a difference in it....this just goes to show God's love and power and that we should all learn from this.....God can speak to anyone and make them understand

  20. How cute. That was so Amazing the words that young boy just said. God bles ya'll and you to Logan.

  21. Logan, thank you for calling. Truly the Lord will speak to young men and women in the last days. He will use these young men and women to send His message. May God continue to use you mightily. Continue to grow in God's guidance. God bless you dear brother in Christ. With much love, your sister in Christ. :)

  22. After watching this video i can honestly say i cried.. it's crazy cuz i just had a similar experience with god and after thinking about what Logan said its as if God said the same exact thing to me, and it's true god understands how you feel no matter what god loves you Unconditionally<3

  23. why wat happened to logan????? please im soooooooooo curious know!!!!

  24. The video telling Logan's story is here:

